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If You Can Forget Everything About The Original, You'll Really Like Child's Play

The Horrific Network

When it was announced that there would be a Child's Play film, but it wouldn't be the Chucky doll we all know and love I was apprehensive. Then upon the announcement of a Child's Play series coming with the original cast, I was even more worrisome abut the feature film. However, what wasn't fully expected was a completely new take on the mudersome doll all together. The new Chucky (Formally Buddi) is a robot toy programmed by a disgruntled employee who takes the safety protocols out of this particular model before sending to the United States. The story with Andy's Mom (Audrey Plaza) giving Andy Chucky/Buddi (Voiced By Mark Hamill) to Andy (Gabriel Bateman) but that is where most of the similarities end and this movie get's dark really fast.

Chucky's main motivation is to make Andy happy and be his best pal. If anything or anyone tries to get in his way, becomes the violent doll we remember and love. This doll is so devoted to Andy and with Hamill delivering it's lines, there is a very creepy vibe to the new look.

The emotion is very high as well and Andy does love Chucky for the majority of this film and is trying to cover up some of his "friend's" wrong doing. Hamill's Chucky is so different from the original franchise I found myself caught up in the emotion of this new take more than trying to tie to the 80's take.

The kills however, are right on par with all the other Child's play films with all the splatter that you could desire from the iconic character.

The film's quality and cast as a whole are at least as good if not slightly better the original cast! It's also so original as to the emotion of the doll that this version might even be scarier than the original.

Final Score 7.85

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