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  • The Horrific Network

Myers In Gotham Chapter 2: We Need A Hero

Loomis drove into Gotham City, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been on edge ever since he heard that the transport with Michael Myers had not made it passed Gotham City, both Police Officers dead, and is Myers missing. As he drove, he turned on the radio, hoping for any news about his patient.

But what he heard was even more concerning.

"...and in other news, several people were found brutally murdered in their homes in Gotham City," the radio announcer said. "Authorities are investigating, but so far, no suspects have been identified."

Loomis gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. This was not what he wanted to hear. He needed to find Myers before he could cause any more damage. As he continued to drive, he tried to reach Detective Harvey Bullock, but he couldn't get through. The line was constantly busy, and he couldn't even leave a voicemail. Loomis felt a rising sense of panic and frustration. He needed to talk to someone in the police department and find out what was going on. But as he drove deeper into the city, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The streets were empty, and the few people he did see looked frightened and paranoid.

He passed by Wayne Enterprises, and the sight of the towering building made him even more anxious. Bruce Wayne was away on a business trip, and without him to protect the city, who knew what kind of chaos was brewing?

Loomis took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He had to stay focused and find out what was happening. He drove through the deserted streets, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. He had no idea what was waiting for him in Gotham City, but he was determined to find out.


Harvey sits in his car, staring out at the deserted streets of Gotham City. The only sounds are the distant hum of traffic and the occasional siren. He's on edge, knowing that anything could happen in a city like this. As he's lost in thought, his phone rings. He hesitates for a moment, wondering if he even wants to answer it. But he knows he can't ignore it forever.

"Hello?" he says, his voice gruff.

"Harvey, it's Sam Loomis," the voice on the other end says.

Harvey feels his stomach drop. Sam Loomis only calls when there's trouble. "What now?"

"It's Michael. He's killed multiple already."

Harvey takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. "Alright, where do you want to meet?"

"Let's meet at the 24/7 diner on Fifth and Main," Loomis suggests.

Harvey agrees and hangs up. He sits in his car for a few more moments, his mind racing. He can't believe that Michael Myers, one of the most notorious killers in history, is now loose in Gotham. He's not sure how they're going to catch him, but he knows they have to try.

With a heavy heart, Harvey starts his car and drives towards the diner. He knows this is going to be a long night.


Bullock sat in a dimly lit booth at the 24/7 diner, staring down at his coffee as if it held all the answers to the chaos that had descended upon Gotham. The news of Michael Myers' arrival had shaken him to his core, and he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his gut.

As Dr. Loomis slides into the booth opposite him, Harvey's eyes flicker up to meet his. The older man's face is lined with worry, and Harvey couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. He knew the man was here to help, but it didn't change the fact that the situation was dire.

"What's the plan, Doc?" Harvey asked, trying to keep his voice steady. "How do we stop this guy?"

Loomis took a sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving Harvey's. "I'm afraid it's not that simple, Harvey. Michael Myers is a force of nature. He's a killer with no remorse, no motive, and no end in sight."

Harvey scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You didn't know Tom and Jerry, Doc. They were good men, and now they're dead. I won't let this guy get away with it."

Loomis placed a comforting hand on Harvey's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, Harvey. But we need to approach this carefully. We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Harvey shrugged off Loomis' hand, a scowl on his face. "I know exactly what we're dealing with. We're dealing with a monster. And I won't rest until we take him down."

Loomis sighed, his eyes heavy with concern. "I hope you're right, Harvey. I truly do. But we can't go into this blindly. We need to plan, to strategize. And most importantly, we need to be careful."

Harvey grunted in response, taking another sip of his coffee. He knew Loomis was right, but he couldn't help the anger and frustration that boiled inside him. This was Gotham, his city. And he refused to let it fall to some psycho killer in a mask.

As the two men continued to discuss their plan of attack, neither of them noticed the figure sitting in the corner booth, his eyes fixed on them. Loomis nodded gravely, understanding the weight of Harvey's words. He took a deep breath and tried to shift the conversation to the present situation. "Harvey, we have to find Myers before he does any more damage. But we have a problem. Alfred Pennyworth has been unable to reach Bruce Wayne."

Harvey leaned back in his seat, his eyes narrowing. "That's not good," he said. "Not good at all."

Loomis nodded again. "We need Wayne's resources, Harvey. We can't do this alone."

Harvey grunted in agreement, and they fell into a thoughtful silence.

Finally, Harvey spoke up. "I did a search on Laurie Stroud," he said. "She doesn't have any known connections to Gotham. This is different than Haddonfield."

Loomis leaned forward, his expression intent. "It would seem, but we can't be sure"

Harvey hesitated for a moment before answering. "In Haddonfield, Myers had a specific target. He was after his sister. But here? It feels like he's just...lashing out."

Loomis nodded, his mind racing. If Myers was truly just lashing out, then there was no telling what he might do next. They needed to find him, and fast. Sam and Harvey looked up to see a young man standing at their table. He was dressed in a black and blue suit, and his face was carrying a half smile but also a look of concern.

"Who the hell are you?" Harvey asked, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun.

The young man raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "Relax, Detective Bullock. My name is Dick Grayson, but I'm close connection with Night Wing."

Harvey eyed him warily. "What do you want?"

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," Dick said. "I've been tracking the activity in Gotham, and I know that Commissioner Gordon will be impossible to work with without Batman. But I'm available to help and so Is Night Wing."

Sam looked at Dick thoughtfully. "And you're sure you're up to this?"

" We've been fighting crime in Gotham for years," Dick replied. "We are more than capable of handling ourselves."

Harvey grunted. "Well, we could certainly use all the help we can get. But I don't know if the Commissioner will go for it."

"We don't need the Commissioner's approval," Sam said firmly. "We can work outside the system if we have to."

Harvey nodded slowly, seeming to come around to the idea. "Okay, but let's keep this quiet for now. We don't want to tip our hand to Myers or the Joker."

Night Wing nodded in agreement, and the three of them settled into a hushed conversation, discussing strategy and the next steps.


The Joker sat back in his chair, a sinister grin spreading across his face. He was watching something on his computer screen, but it was not immediately clear what it was. As he watched, he muttered to himself about the current state of Gotham. "With Batman out of the picture, the only line of defense is the GCPD," he said. "And we all know how much they can be trusted. They're just a bunch of bumbling idiots, especially without the Dark Knight to hold their hands."

He leaned in closer to the screen, his eyes fixed on the image before him. "But we have an ace up our sleeve, don't we, Harley?" he said, turning to his loyal companion.

Harley Quinn was busy carving up a body nailed to the wall behind the Joker, her face obscured by the mask she was wearing. She stopped her work and looked up at him. "You mean Michael Myers, Puddin?"

The Joker's grin widened. "Exactly. With Myers on our side, we'll be unstoppable. Or at the very least, we should have common interests. And who knows, maybe we can even persuade him to join our little family."

Harley nodded, her attention returning to her gruesome work. "Maybe we should try to find out who brought him here first," she suggested. "It could give us an advantage."

The Joker considered this for a moment before nodding his agreement. "Yes, that's a good idea. We'll need to know everything we can about this Michael Myers before we make our move."

He leaned back in his chair again, his eyes still fixed on the image on the screen. "But for now, let's just enjoy the show."


Bullock and the new rookie were on patrol, driving through the dark and gloomy streets of Gotham. It had been a few days since the arrival of Michael Myers, and the city was in a fever pitch. Everyone was on edge, and no one had been able to track down the elusive killer. As they drove, Bullock and the rookie received a call on the radio. There was a disturbance at an abandoned building on the outskirts of town. Without hesitation, Bullock directed the rookie to pull up to the building and wait outside while he investigated.

The building was dark and musty, with broken windows and graffiti covering the walls. Bullock carefully made his way through a series of empty rooms, his hand firmly gripping his gun. He was ready for anything. Suddenly, he heard a noise in the corner of the room. He swung around, his gun pointed at the source of the sound, and found Jonathan Crane, also known as the villain Scarecrow, standing there. Bullock knew that Crane was dangerous, but he wasn't expecting to see him here.

Bullock had his finger on the trigger of his gun, but Crane informed Bullock that if he did anything, the rookie outside would die. Bullock quickly lowered his gun, his heart racing. He didn't want anyone to get hurt.

"What do you want, Crane?" Bullock asked, his voice laced with frustration.

Crane smiled wickedly. "I think you and I have a common interest, Bullock," he said. "Perhaps we should work together."

Bullock was taken aback. He didn't trust Crane, but he couldn't ignore the possibility of getting Myers off the streets. "What do you mean?" he asked cautiously.

Crane leaned in close to Bullock, his voice low and menacing. "Think about it," he whispered. "Gotham is in a constant state of fear. But is that really such a bad thing? It makes people more hyper-aware, and more alert. Perhaps Myers is simply taking care of the weak links."

Bullock recoiled in horror. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You're sick," he spat out. "I'll never work with you."

Crane just laughed. "Suit yourself, Bullock," he said. "But remember, I'm always watching."

With that, Crane disappeared into the shadows. Bullock made his way out of the building, his mind racing. He knew he had to tell Loomis and Grayson about this encounter, but he also knew that Crane was not to be trusted. He had a feeling that things were only going to get worse before they got better.

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