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{Review} Shudder Delivers Some Early Fall Frights With The Shed

The Horrific Network

If you've been looking for a movie that has a almost Children of the Corn setting with a Lost Boys esthetic than this is film is for you! Without giving too much away the film deals with Stan (Jay Jay Warren) dealing with a Vamp in his shed ) and how his friend Dommer (Cody Kostro) and his love Roxy ( Sofia Hopponen) deal with the monster as well.

The film gives you an original plot for a Vampire horror film that we haven't seen done time and time again. The cast I felt really acted as the movie takes some strong turns in dealing with other subjects with the teen roles like bullying (Doomer ends up acting like a school shooter) but the first two and final two sequences are enough fun that it didn't bother me too much.

We are in the beginning stretch of fall, and this film is something that it almost feels like was designed by Shudder's release to kick start all of the Halloween/ Haunt festivities. Looking at the budget I'd say The Shed delivers on what it had available to it!

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