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The Top 10 Droids in Star Wars Fandom!

Are you a Star Wars fan looking for the ultimate droid ranking? Look no further! Here are the top ten droids in the Star Wars universe, ranked by their iconic status, usefulness, and overall awesomeness.

10. BB-8

This charming ball droid stole hearts in The Force Awakens with its technical skills and loyalty to the Resistance. While BB-8 is a beloved character, it doesn't quite measure up to the droids higher on our list.

9. K-2SO

This reprogrammed Imperial security droid made a big impression in Rogue One with its blunt personality and impressive fighting skills. However, its limited screen time prevents it from ranking higher on our list.

8. Chopper

This grumpy astromech droid from Star Wars Rebels may not be the friendliest character on the list, but its resourcefulness and bravery more than makeup for its attitude. Chopper's willingness to do whatever it takes to help the crew of the Ghost has earned it a spot in the top ten.

7. IG-88

This assassin droid may have only had a brief appearance in The Empire Strikes Back, but its unique design and deadly abilities have made it a fan favorite. Its bounty hunter status and association with Boba Fett make IG-88 a memorable addition to the Star Wars universe.

6. HK-47

This bloodthirsty assassin droid from the Knights of the Old Republic video game series may not be the most traditional hero, but its snarky personality and deadly fighting skills make it a fan favorite. Its penchant for calling organic beings "meatbags" has become one of the character's defining traits.

5. R2-KT

This pink and white astromech droid may not have any screen time in the Star Wars movies, but its real-life origins make it the most beloved droid in the franchise. R2-KT was created by the 501st Legion, a group of Star Wars fans who cosplay as Stormtroopers, to honor a young girl named Katie who was battling cancer. The droid's appearance in the Star Wars universe may be brief, but its impact on the real world has earned it the top spot on our list

4. L3-37

This self-made droid from Solo: A Star Wars Story was a standout character in an already impressive ensemble cast. L3-37's fierce independence and dedication to droid rights make it a unique addition to the franchise, and its final fate has become one of the most emotional moments in the film.

3. Gonk

This little power droid may not have any lines or a particularly exciting design, but its practicality and usefulness have earned it a spot in the top three. Gonk droids are a common sight in the Star Wars universe, providing power and energy to all sorts of machinery and vehicles.

1 and 2. R2-D2 and C3-PO

Arguably the most iconic droid in the franchise, R2-D2 has been a part of the Star Wars universe since the very beginning. Its beeps and boops have become synonymous with the series, and its unwavering loyalty to Luke Skywalker makes R2-D2 an unforgettable character. The other half of the iconic droid duo, C-3PO has been a staple of the Star Wars franchise since its inception. Its fussy personality and constant worrying make it a lovable character, and its friendship with R2-D2 is one of the most enduring relationships in the series.

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